Kamis,28 Januari 2010

Qta macech macux pge cmwa nech.....Qta ngelanjutin tgaz bwat bkin cd laporan kegiatan OJT qta.....ttp 5 kerjaan qta masing"....Qta pulangnya jm 2

Install Widows 98

Windows 98 uses a tool called “FDISK” to create partitions:

Boot the system with the Windows98 CD in the CD drive. You will be prompted either to start Windows Startup, start the computer with CD-ROM support, or start the computer without CD-ROM support. Choose to start the computer with CD-ROM support.
We need to run a program called “FDISK.” At the A:\> prompt, type D: (D being your CD drive) and press enter. At the D:\> prompt, type cd: win98 and press enter. At the D:\WIN98> prompt, type fdisk and press enter.

You will probably have installed (I hope) a hard drive larger than 2GB. When asked if you want to enable “large” disk support, say yes.
When presented with “FDISK Options,” choose number 1, “Create DOS Partition or Logical Drive”

In the next screen, again choose number 1, which is “Create Primary DOS Partition.” This will create the partition that will hold the operating system.
FDISK will ask you if you want the Primary DOS Partition to use the maximum amount of space available. Since you want to make a second partition later, choose “No.”

The next screen will show how much space you have available and ask you how big you want to make the partition. With a 20GB hard drive, 5GB is reasonable, but it does not need to be this large.
The next screen will show you that the partition has been created, and prompt you to press Esc to continue.

Now we need to make the second partition. In the “Create DOS Partition or Logical Drive” screen (where we chose option 1 before), now choose 2: “Create Extended DOS Partition.”
I only want two partitions here: one for Windows, one for data, so I will use the rest of the space available (here 15GB) for the second partition. If you want more than two partitions, you would want to make this partition smaller, and then repeat this and the previous step to make the other partitions.

When you are finished creating all the partitions you want, press Escape to go back to the original “FDISK Options” screen and select number 4, “View Partition Data”
Take a look at your partitions to make sure everything is set up correctly. If so, you can quit FDISK and move on.

Installing Windows 98, Part 1: Formatting

Now that you have partitioned your hard drive, the first part of the Installation process is formatting it. Formatting means erasing the drive and setting up the file system that it will use.

Reboot with the CD in the drive, and when asked, choose to start Windows Startup (Option 1).
As you begin, Windows Startup gives you the options of either asking for help, quitting or continuing.

It will detect that your C: drive (which is actually your first partition) in not formatted. Choose to format it.
Wait while the formatting proceeds. This may take some time.

After formatting your C: drive, Windows Startup will also detect that your D: drive (your second partition) is not formatted, either. It is not necessary to do so at this point, but go ahead and format it now so you don’t have to worry about it later.
After all the formatting is finished, Windows Startup will inform you that it is continuing and will perform some checks of your hard drives.

As those checks are performed, your screen will look like this.
When the checks are finished, you will be told (hopefully) that no errors were found.

Installing Windows 98, Part 2

The actual Windows Startup process will now begin. Click “Next” to continue.
You will be asked where you want to install this copy of Windows. Choose the default, C:\WINDOWS. (unless, of course, you have a reason to put it somewhere else.)

You will then be asked what setup mode you want: Standard, Laptop, Minimal, or User-Defined.
You will be asked whether you want the standard Windows components setup, or to choose components from a list.

You will be asked for a computer name, description and workgroup. If your computer is not connected to a network, you don’t have to worry about the workgroup.
You will be asked your location.

Startup will now restart your computer. Leave your CD in the drive, but when the computer restarts, do not boot from CD-ROM. Let it boot from the hard drive.

Installing Windows 98, Part 3

After restarting, you will be asked for your name and that of your company.
You will then be asked for the product ID code that came with your copy of Windows.

At this point you will have to restart the computer once more. Again, do not boot from CD-ROM
After restarting, Windows Startup will begin an analysis of your hardware…

…Ask you for your time zone…
…Update your system information…

…And restart again
You have now (finally) finished installing Windows 98!

Install fedora

Anda akan disajikan dengan sangat baik karya seni Fedora GRUB splash dan beberapa pilihan ...

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Pada tahap ini, kami hanya menyarankan Anda tekan Enter, dan tunggu sistem untuk me-load ...

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Pilih "Skip" pilihan ketika Anda ditanya apakah Anda ingin memeriksa media sebelum instalasi, dan tekan "Enter" ...

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Anaconda (installer Fedora) akan terbuka dan Anda akan melihat layar selamat datang... Klik "Next" ...

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Pilih bahasa anda ...

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Pilih layout keyboard Anda ...

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Ketikkan nama untuk komputer.... Itu bisa apa saja yang Anda inginkan ...

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Pilih lokasi Anda (negara / kota) ...

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Masukkan root (System Administrator) sandi.... Semakin lama, semakin baik (WRITE IT SOMEWHERE) ...

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. Jika Anda memiliki hard disk yang kosong, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah klik "Next," tetapi pastikan "Hapus semua partisi pada drive terpilih dan buat layout default" pilihan yang dipilih. Jika Anda tidak memiliki hard disk yang kosong dan Anda masih ingin menginstal Fedora 10 pada mesin Anda, maka pastikan Anda memilih "Gunakan ruang kosong pada drive terpilih dan buat layout default" pilihan (10 GB free space minimal adalah diperlukan)... Klik "Next" ...

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Kami juga merekomendasikan untuk memilih "sistem Encrypt" pilihan... Masukkan sandi (semakin lama, semakin baik) untuk partisi terenkripsi ...

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Klik "Tulis perubahan ke disk" tombol ketika ditanya ...

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Hard drive akan diformat dan partisi akan diciptakan ...

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Sekarang, Anda dapat memilih paket yang diinginkan ...

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Tekan tombol "Next" tombol dan semuanya akan dilakukan secara otomatis dari sekarang, hanya duduk dan menonton bagaimana paket akan disalin ke hard drive anda, atau anda dapat membaca berita terbaru sambil menikmati secangkir kopi. Proses instalasi akan memakan waktu sekitar 8-10 menit (tergantung spesifikasi komputer Anda dan paket yang dipilih).

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Ketika instalasi selesai, Anda akan mendapatkan "Selamat, instalasi sudah selesai" layar.. Klik tombol "Reboot" tombol dan komputer Anda akan restart secara otomatis ...

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e... Anda baru sistem operasi Fedora 10 akan boot untuk pertama kalinya ...

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Jika Anda telah memilih untuk mengenkripsi partisi Anda, maka Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi passphrase ...

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Sistem akan terus boot dan dalam beberapa detik Anda akan melihat Konfigurasi Boot Pertama Wizard.... Klik "Maju" pada layar Selamat Datang ...

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. Klik "Maju" pada layar Lisensi ...

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Membuat user biasa untuk sistem ...

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Mengatur tanggal dan waktu ...

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Kirimkan profil perangkat keras Fedora Project (opsional) ...

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Klik "Selesai" dan Anda akan melihat layar login.Masukkan password untuk user biasa yang baru saja membuat ...

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Nikmati akhir dan mempesona distribusi Linux Fedora 10!

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